Image from a Website

University of Huddersfield

Image from a website


  • If including the image in your work, use the following layout and reference the website underneath as you would a direct quote.
Figure 2: Eastern Grey Kangaroo (BBC, 2019)

Figure 6. Eastern grey kangaroo fact file (BBC, 2019)

Format and order
  • Artist(s)/ photographer(s)/ organisation(s) (family name, comma followed by initials, with full stop and space after each initial OR organisation, followed by full stop)
  • (Year). (in round brackets followed by full stop)
  • Title of the illustration or photograph (in italics)
  • [Description of format]. (followed by full stop)
  • Website name. (followed by full stop)
  • URL (if online and shorten URL if appropriate)
In-text citation

The BBC (2019) used an infographic of an Eastern grey kangaroo to explain…

The image used on the "Eat well" webpage on the NHS website clearly portrays a balanced meal (2018).

Reference list

BBC. (2019). Eastern grey kangaroo [Infographic]. BBC Bitesize

National Health Service. (2018). Eat well: 5 a day what counts? [Photograph].

Reference Builder

Your reference will appear here.

Illustration in online collection

web page URL: /pages/referencing-imagefromawebsite/
last updated: Thu 25/Apr/2024