APA 7th Referencing Guide — Images (Including Photographs, Illustrations)

University of Huddersfield

APA Referencing Guide — Images (including photographs, illustrations)

lmages (including photographs, illustrations) referencing guide (PDF download).


  • If including the image in your work, reference the original source (e.g. book, website) and page number underneath as you would a direct quote (see layout below).
  • If you are unable to find the year of publication use n.d. (no date).
  • When the author and publisher/ website are the same name, do not include the publisher/ website name in the reference list.
  • All images should be written as numbered figures so you can refer to them in your work.
  • Refer to your image by their figure number not their location in the text, e.g. see Figure 2 rather than see Figure 2 below/ above/ adjacent.
  • They should all have a descriptive title, and the citation should refer to the original source (e.g. book, website, journal).
  • The original source is included in the reference list.

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web page URL: /pages/referencing-imagesillustrationsphotographs/
last updated: Sat 20/Apr/2024