WP2 communicating policies – your involvement needed!

The HHuLOA project team are at the National Railway Museum in York today for our good practice event on open access and research development. Before lunch I’ll be giving a 10-minute overview of the work we’ve done in Work Package 2 to break down OA policies into reusable data.

One thing we’re very keen to do next is to involve and work with other projects, and any staff from HEIs and organisations who have an interest, to improve the spreadsheet data and documentation, and to use it to build useful tools and services for people at the ‘sharp end’ of communicating and understanding OA.

We think this might be done in a number of ways:

  1. *By crowdsourcing the spreadsheet (it’s already open for anyone to edit) to improve the quality of the information and to make it more complete – in particular, perhaps, to include more policies from non-UK funders.
  2. Related to (1): to include more of HEIs’ own policies – add your own.
  3. To test/prove and challenge the column headings and the language used in breaking down the policies, to make sure the spreadsheet is sensible, useful, and future-proofed.
  4. To help to reconcile the field names with the recommendations of the PASTEUR 4OA project.
  5. Developers needed – to use the data contained in the Google spreadsheet, which can be interrogated and used in a number of ways (from a simple .csv dump to the Sheets API) to drive web applications or forms
  6. Any other ideas you have are welcome!

If you’re interested, please contact Paul Stainthorp (University of Lincoln) or the other HHuLOA project members.