package Horizon::DLF; # # GENERATE BASIC DLF ITEM AVAILABILITY # # This is a mod_perl handler (not a standard CGI script), so you'll want something like this in your httpd.conf # # PerlModule Horizon::DLF # # SetHandler modperl # PerlResponseHandler Horizon::DLF # # # ...however, if shouldn't be too difficult to change the code back to a bog standard Perl script # # # Notes... # # - you'll need a working ODBC connection to your Horizon server and the DBD::ODBC Perl module # # - the handler can handle mutiple bib numbers # # - you'll probably want to use Apache::DBI to provide a persistent connection to Horizon # # - you'll need to create a "DLF.status.txt" file with 1 line per status code and three colums (separated by a TAB character): # # column 1: Horizon item status code in lower case # column 2: the string "available" or "not available" (without quotes) # column 3: item status description # # ...any undefined status codes will be ignored by the handler # # # This Perl script is released under a CC0 1.0 Universal licence # # use strict; use DBI; use Apache2::RequestRec (); # for $r->content_type use Apache2::RequestIO (); # for $r->puts use Apache2::Const -compile => ':common'; ### CONFIGURE THE FOLLOWING VARIABLES! my $HorizonOdbcServer = 'HORIZON'; my $HorizonUsername = 'xxx'; my $HorizonPassword = 'xxx'; my $statusFile = '/Apache2/modperl/HIP/DLF.status.txt'; ### HORIZON DATABASE HANDLE... my $dbh = ''; ### SPECIFY ANY COLLECTIONS (IN UPPERCASE) TO IGNORE ITEMS FROM... my %ignoreCollections = ( ); $ignoreCollections{LAWP} = 1; $ignoreCollections{STLJ} = 1; ### HASH FOR STORING COLLECTION DESCRIPTIONS... my %collections = ( ); ### READ IN STATUS CODE DATA... my %status = ( ); if( open( IN, $statusFile ) ) { while( ) { chomp; my( $a, $b ) = split( /\t/, $_, 2 ); $status{$a} = "$b"; } close( IN ); } sub handler { my $r = shift; ### INITIATE DB CONNECTION... unless( $dbh ) { $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:ODBC:".$HorizonOdbcServer, $HorizonUsername, $HorizonPassword, { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0 } ); } ### FETCH COLLECTION DESCRIPTIONS... unless( %collections ) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'select collection, pac_descr from collection' ); $sth->execute( ); while( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array( ) ) { $collections{lc($row[0])} = $row[1]; } } ### GET THE BIB NUMBERS... my $bib = $r->path_info() || ''; $bib =~ s/\/id\=//g; $bib =~ s/^\///g; $bib =~ s/[^0-9 ]/ /g; my @bibs = split( / */,$bib ); ### DECLARE OTHER VARIABLES... my $sth = ''; my @row = ( ); ### $output CONTAINS THE FINAL XML OUTPUT... my $output = ''; $output .= qq(); ### GET AVAILABILITY INFO FOR EACH BIB... foreach my $bib ( @bibs ) { $output .= qq(); $output .= qq(); ### IF THE BIB NO LONGER EXISTS IN HORIZON, LOG THE BIB# SO YOU CAN INVESTIGATE IT LATER... $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'select count(*) from bib_control where bib#='.$bib ); $sth->execute( ); @row = $sth->fetchrow_array( ); if( $row[0] < 1 ) { open( OUT, ">>/dlf_bad_books.txt" ); print OUT "$bib\n"; close( OUT ); } ### FETCH THE ITEM INFO FOR ALL ITEMS WITH THAT BIB#... $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'select item#,location,collection,item_status from item where bib#='.$bib ); $sth->execute( ); while( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array( ) ) { my $itemNumber = $row[0]; my $itemLocation = lc($row[1]); my $itemCollection = lc($row[2]); my $itemStatus = lc($row[3]); my $location = ''; my $availabilityStatus = ''; my $availabilityMessage = ''; ### SKIP IF THE ITEM COLLECTION IS TO BE IGNORED... if( $ignoreCollections{uc($itemCollection)} ) { next } ### SKIP IF THE ITEM STATUS ISN'T DEFINED... unless( $status{$itemStatus} ) { next } ### BUILD THE ITEM OUTPUT... my $collectionName = $collections{lc($itemCollection)} || ''; if( $collectionName ) { $collectionName = " ($collectionName)" } if( $itemLocation eq 'cl' ) { $location = 'Huddersfield' } if( $itemLocation eq 'sl' ) { $location = 'Huddersfield' } if( $itemLocation eq 'mu' ) { $location = 'Huddersfield' } if( $itemLocation eq 'ol' ) { $location = 'Oldham' } if( $itemLocation eq 'ba' ) { $location = 'Barnsley' } ( $availabilityStatus, $availabilityMessage ) = split( /\t/, $status{$itemStatus} ); if( $location ) { $output .= qq($itemNumber$availabilityStatus$availabilityMessage$location$collectionName); } } $output .= qq(); $output .= qq(); } $output .= qq(); $r->content_type( 'text/xml' ); $r->puts( $output ); return Apache2::Const::OK; } 1;